Take A Hike With Nate for Saturday, March 8, 2025
Wild Mustang to Wild Burro LoopMeet at the Health and Fitness Facility at 8:30am to carpool to the trailhead.We will follow the Upper Javalina Trail to the junction with the Wild Mustang Trail and follow it until it meets with the wild burro Trail which we take back to the parking lot.The Wild Mustang trail follows the ridgeline that is between the Wild Burro and Cochies Canyons. As a ridgeline hike, there are many elevation changes along the way, and like most Tucson Hiking, there are plenty of rocks, and plenty of sun.Length: 8 milesElevation change: 1,400 feetDuration (including travel):5-5 ½ hoursPlease RSVP on FITNESS FORETEES up to 7 days in advance